Common Questions

  • + Are accounts free?

    Yes. It is free to register for a Genboree Account. This account allows for storage up to 50 GB of disk space.

  • + How much space can I use?

    We offer free hosting of experimental data up to 50 GB (limit subject to change depending on use). Monitoring available disk space allows us to manage storage as necessary to accommodate the largest number of users.

  • + I still have a question about my data...

    If you wish to upload your data into Genboree, please fill out the Investigator/Project Profile, describing your project and send it to Matt Roth ( Once the form is reviewed, the BRL Core staff will meet with you and/or the principal investigator (in person or by phone) to discuss your needs. From your project description we will help you determine which type of analysis best suits your needs, and as appropriate, schedule training on the appropriate Genboree Workbench toolset. Depending on specific needs, training may occur via online documents and tutorials, webinars, or in person.

  • + I have a different question - who can help?

    Shoot us an email at and we'll be happy to help!

Genboree Workbench Helpful Links

Genboree Services and Toolset Links

Product / Toolset




Transcriptome Transcriptome FAQs Transcriptome Tutorial Transcriptome Screencast Video
Microbiome 16S rRNA Microbiome Tutorial
Epigenome Epigenome Use Case Examples
Genboree Commons Genboree Commons FAQ

Where are we located?



Baylor College of Medicine

One Baylor Plaza,

MS:BCM225 Suite 400D

Houston, TX 77030

The BRL is located on the 4th floor of the Jewish Building within the Baylor College of Medicine.